Monday, March 3, 2008

A New Addition to our Family!

So Devin and I traded in Devin's Xterra to get a new car with better gas mileage (mainly for our trip out to Columbus). After test driving a few different cars, we decided to go with the Mazda 3.

It is officially "our" car now! Mark told me that when we got a new car, he would be ok with whatever we got as long as it wasn't what he wanted. Unfortunately the Mazda 3 was on his list. After I told him that we got it, he didn't hate me too bad when he figured out that it was the speed 3. Sorry Mark, maybe one of these days I will let you drie it. :) These pictures are mainly for Annette though so that she can see our car. Hope you like it!


Annette said...

That is awesome - and in my favorite color I might add. I've always wanted a red car! Hope it's a good one for you guys. Happy Belated Birthday to Devin by the way. I'm a little slow sending out my cards but we thought of him!

Tricia said...

Love it! We still need to have you guys take us for a drive though! :)

Ras Fam said...

Lianne you are so lucky! I am pretty jealous, I can't lie. Love the cany apple red its fun and sporty.

Leslie said...

Congrats. That's always exciting when you get a new car.

Nancy said...

Can't wait to get a ride!! Looks like you will be traveling in style for sure!!! My sympathy to Mark.

Mom / Nana / Suzi said...

Yippeee! You're first car together!!! Now it's not "Devin's" but it belongs to both of you. Very cute car! Congrats!!!

The Walker Fam said...

Oh my goodness I love this car! So cute you guys. ~Brit