Friday, May 30, 2008


I've been trying to think of something good to blog about, but nothing really comes to mind, so I apologize if this post seems really random, cause it will probably be just that. First of all, Devin's first post was supposed to be a lot more than what he actually wrote. He always asks me if I have written about his garden, and so last time I told him to do it. He said he didn't know how, so I clicked on new post, hoping he would write more, and that is all he came up with. Anyways... life here in Columbus has been about the same as it always is. Devin is still doing well selling. He's had a few rough days, but he keeps working hard and I appreciate that he still goes out everday and works. I imagine that it gets old really fast, so I am glad that he has really stuck with it. I hope he will be happy with all of his hard work at the end of the summer.

We got a calling in our ward. We talked to a member of the bishopric a couple of weeks ago and he asked us if we would serve in Primary. I taught primary before we got married, and I really liked it. I think it is so fun to be in with all of the kids. Devin felt a little differently, but we still accepted the calling. I finally learned what it was really all about this week when I talked to the Primary President. She told me that Devin would be team-teaching with another male teacher (who needed someone else to teach with him), and I would be teaching my own class. I will admit that I was a little bummed when I heard this. It is hard to be excited about teaching, when it is not quite what you expected. We are still going to keep the callings, but I am sad that I don't get to teach with Devin. When I was talking to Nancy and Tricia about this, they said that they are sad that they don't get to be in Sunday School and Relief Society with everyone else. I didn't think I would feel that way, but I do too. It is hard not to be able to see Devin for the majority of the week and then to get split up again on Sunday. I hope I don't get struck by lightning for saying this, but we are still going to work hard to make sure that we do the best we can to teach our classes.

It will be a lot of fun for mom and Kara to come out and visit for a couple of weeks. It's weird to think that we haven't seen them for over a month. And then it will be a lot of fun to go out and see Annette and Ron and the kids. It's also weird to think that dad is halfway around the world and will be for the next 6 weeks. I hope that when all is said and done we will all live fairly close to each other and we will be able to visit each other whenever we want to.

It's funny to think about what's really important in life. It's been great to be around Nancy and Tricia while we are out here. It's so much fun to see how Nancy interacts with Josh and the excitement that Tricia has about becoming a new mom. It's weird to think that that will be me in not too long. I am both excited and scared for when that time comes (don't worry, this is not an announcement of anything...). Devin's sister just made a post on her blog about her husband graduating from law school. I can't wait until that is us (not necessarily law school, just school in general...). I am so grateful for the opportunity to do summer sales so that Devin can make enough money to go to school so that we don't have to worry about him working and going to school at the same time. I just pray that he will find something that truly interests him and something that he can get excited about. It's weird to think about life after the summer. If the summer goes as well as we plan, we would like to get ourselves into a small house, and maybe get a second car. Devin will get involved in school again, and I will probably start working and taking some classes at the same time. Devin will also tell you that he wants to get a dog... We may have to wait on that one... :) I just pray that we will be blessed through the rest of the summer and that Devin will keep working hard and doing well.

I think that's enough randomness for today. I hope that everything is going well for you guys!!


The Crazy Clawson's said...

Hope all is well with you...i love your randomness....we miss you here at our little alpha fam...but let's get are having more fun where you are at...I promise...

Annette said...

That was pretty good randomness! That's a bummer about primary. Do your best and you'll be blessed...and be glad you're not married to the Bishop! I second what you said about living by family. I get kind of bummed out reading about all you guys do together but am looking forward to hanging out in a few weeks! Hope your "life plans" work out! :)

Hay Dub said...

Hey party people! It is good to hear that you guys are doing so well. I pretty much just hear how things are going from Megie Poo. I am glad you guys are blogging, that is awesome! Well give Devin a big hug from us, Aree misses seeing him. I dont know what it is about Devin, but all the kids love him!!! Oh ya give yourself a hug too!

Nancy said...

I love having you out here, although we need to get some more fun things to do so the summer will just fly by!

mom said...

I loved reading the random thoughts. I get very lonely for all you kids and now for dad too. He called to say he was in India. His cell phone worked just great and he sounded like he was just up to school. I do pretty good during the day with projects but at night I get lonely. I am glad it is only a week till Kara and I will be out. She and Ryan are good to stop by and keep in touch and them they beat us and now it will be me at the WII. How's that for cheering me up. We're going to recover her chair this next week so she can finally have a matched pair. Remember those home study courses--how they coming?

Emily said...

I'm sure the kids in Primary will be blessed to have you and Devin as teachers. Sometimes the bad thing about the mission field is that good, reliable teachers, who know and love the gospel are hard to find. Just remember that each of those kids was once a little "Fincher" or a little "Carr" and needs an AWESOME teacher to get them going in the right direction! :)

Mom / Nana / Suzi said...

Lianne, I loved your randomness, but you sound discouraged Sweetie! I hope and pray you are really doing OK. Even though you miss the family, please learn from me that if you get involved with the ward you will dearly come to love those you serve! And then when it's time to leave them it will tear your heart apart! Embrace the experience and look for the positive! And most of all - just laugh at Devin - it's the best way to survive him and his silliness! (giggle)

Leslie said...

oh the primary.... I dig Relief Society and never want to leave. But life is phases, you know.

Tricia said...

I'm all about randomness! :) I'm glad you guys are hanging in there. As I've always said, summer sales is definitely a double-edged sword. We are so glad you are out here with us!! It makes it so much more bearable to have you and Nancy here. And I can totally relate to how crazy it can be thinking about where your life is and where you want it to go. I've decided you just have to enjoy all the different phases and take things as they come. One day you'll back on all the trials and be glad you had the ones you did. Let's be creative and do something fun this week! :)