Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moldy Food

One of my least favorite jobs is having to clean out the fridge. I hate to see moldy food. It grosses me out! We had some Jell-O a couple weeks ago, and we didn't finish the whole thing. So it got stuck back in the fridge. I have been afraid to pull it out because I did not want to see what it looked like. I finally got brave enough to wash out the pan. So I pulled it out and found out that it was not longer Jell-O. Needless to say, it was growing hair. I took a picture so that I could show Devin later, and he said, "you should post it on the blog." So prepare to be grossed out!

My lesson for the day is, clean out the fridge before your food starts looking like this!


Ras Fam said...

Sick when it starts looking like it's alive it's time to go...I hate cleaning out the fridge too!

Nancy said...

Yuck! I always clean my fridge out before I put new groceries in and that works pretty good for me. Guess you wont be eatin jello for awhile!

Nancy said...

Looks like someone has been playin with blogger. Love the new look!

Annette said...

I can't believe you didn't finish eating it! I like the new header.

Emily said...

Mold happens, you've just got to be brave enough to toss it! :) I think it looks pretty funny! Does that mean I have a sick sense of humor?

Ras Fam said...

I love the new look, hey when are you coming back?

mom said...

I don't think even the starving children in China would like your jello. It was past due to clean the fridge .

Renae said...

That would be why once a week or so we have "Restaurant Renae's" and whatever the kids can find in the fridge to eat they do--that way we don't find too many scary food items that we forgot about.

I guess the positive is at least you could still identify what was in that pan. It's really bad if you don't even remember what that used to be.

Tricia said...

That's totally disgusting! I'm glad I didn't look at that before I made Jello in Sunday! :)