Our internet has been kind of retarded lately, so I haven't been posting at all. Tricia was nice enough to let me use her connection. So here is my post from the last few days. Mark and Sunn went back home to Utah. We had them over for dinner a some games before they left and Mark picked up my digital camera. Here are just a few of the pictures that he came up with...

(Very attractive, I know...)
Mark was gonna use this for his facebook profile picture but he couldn't get my internet to work, so if you still want it Mark, feel free to save it.

We miss Mark and Sunn though and we hope that they are making lots of money back in Utah! Our 4th of July was pretty fun. Nancy and I pretty much just hung out all day. We played UpWords, and she made a delicious lunch/dinner of ribs, potatoes, and jello. I finished it off with some homemade raspberry ice cream. It was my first time making it and it actually turned out pretty good! The boys came over to Nancy's and ate some more food and then we watched Drillbit Taylor. While John was getting the movie Devin and I walked over to the road to try and catch some of the fireworks. Why is it that the trees are always in the way?! It was still fun to be able to see a few. The 4th was also our 6 month anniversary, and when we got back home Devin had bought me these really pretty flowers.

We haven't done anything too exciting in the last few days. Tricia was still in Utah, so Nancy and I hung out a lot. That was fun. We played a few games and watched some tv. Our good friend Kara who is out here went to Florida to visit her family, so she asked me to watch her dog Dexter. So I've been taking care of him for the week. Nancy has helped me out with that too since I've never actually taken care of a dog... He's doing pretty good though. I am very grateful for her help! Thanks Nancy! I've been wanting to make Devin a really nice dinner for a while, and I finally decided to do it. I tried to make him some of his favorite foods. We had Sweet & Sour Chicken (Devin's mom's recipe which is really good), Asparagus, Fruit, and Orange Ice. I am not the greatest cook so I was worried about having everything get done and actually be edible. It turned out really well. I was very happy. I think Devin enjoyed it as well. He asked me if there was something special that we were celebrating, like my birthday or something. I said no, and then just jokingly I told him that I thought I might be pregnant. He almost believed me for just a second. I thought it was pretty funny. And no, I am not pregnant. I took a picture of our table and Devin said, "You're gonna post that on our blog aren't you." My response was, "Heck yes I am." I was pretty proud of myself...

I was very grateful for Tricia for letting us borrow her plates and nice glasses and her candle holders. We only have ugly plastic dishes. It definitely made our dinner a little nicer. Thanks Tricia! Devin's garden has still been growing really well. We've eaten most of the peas that our pea plants will produce, and Devin has eaten a small handful of tomatoes, and he has plenty more growing. the rest of the garden is still growing well. The beets have probably done the best out of everything. Devin says that he loves beet greens. We are still waiting to get produce from quite a few of the other plants though.

Well I think that that is all of the randomness that I have for today. Hopefully our internet will work better so that I can get some more posts up.
You have been very domestic. Homemade icecream sounds so dee-lish right now.
Pretty flowers! Good job, Devin!
so cute Lianne, happy anniversary and I love those flowers, your dinner looks great!
Your dinner looks beautiful! I miss my nicer dishes. Cant wait to be able to use them again! We will have to play upwords again soon.
I loved the blog. You are becoming very domestic. The table and food looked wonderful. I hope having the dog around has cured you from wanting one. They do take a lot of work. We miss you and hope the next month and a half go by really fast. Hope Devin's numbers are getting up there.
Beautiful food and beautiful flowers you little love birds!
I'm glad your dinner turned out awesome! Your table looks so cute and yummy! And I'm glad Devin recognized the importance buying his cute wife flowers to celebrate. :) And you're more than welcome to come over and use our connection any time you want! It's always nice to have someone to hang out with. I'm so glad you guys are out here with us and glad that you were able to celebrate the 4th. We wish you could have been back in UT with us. It wasn't quite the same without the whole Manning clan all together.
Oh Lianne! Way to go on your dinner! The presentation looked AWESOME! Good for you. And Devin, way to go on the flowers!! Those were BEAUTIFUL!
You are so amazing Lianne!!!!! That meal looked delish!!! I sure hope my future husband is a cereal lover because that might be the only thing we ever eat! Who knows... by the time I get married you will be gourmet and we will just have to eat at your house all the time!!!
Looks like things are going well back in Ohio! I really appreciate your help with watching Dexter, and i'm sure i'll tell you that at least another 10 more times! Lol. Also, your dinner looked like it turned out nice!!! What a great idea! I'm excited to come back and see all you guys. :)
Lianne! How are you?! I've just read basically all your blogs (I'm very bored at work right now) and I feel like I just had a long conversation with you and caught up on your life. I miss you! You're turning into quite the little wife. I'm way impressed by your dinner you made and your homemade ice cream - I love homemade ice cream! We just had some for the 4th of July that was very scrumptious. I can't believe you've been married for 6 months! When are you coming back to Utah? Anytime soon? I'd love to hear from you if you ever have a free moment (my email is tessmbrown@gmail.com). I miss you! Have a fantabulous day!
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