Thursday, April 2, 2009

I apologize if you are getting sick of posts about the garden, but we have to take some before and afters. :) Devin planted his zucchinis, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, and some more jalapenos. He started them inside, and I am especially excited for this stuff. Yum yum!


Mindy said...

Hey Lianne, how did you get it to show the pics of friends' blogs on your side bar?? That's way cool!

Steve said...

Hmmm, gardening and shopping at DI. Seems that there might be some heritage from your Mom in all of that. By the way, I think it's cool that you guys go golfing. Maybe if Ryan ever straightens out his slice, you'll all get good!

Kim Gishi said...

I'm not sick of the gardening posts, as long as you share the bounty of your harvest!