Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wishful Thinking

We've been in our apartment now for almost a year. I don't have any pictures or curtains hung, I still need to organize our downstairs bathroom which at the moment contains our games, car cleaning supplies, extra toilet paper and all of our laundry stuff and I have laundry that I need to put away that's been clean for over a week.

So what do I learn from all of this?

It's better to put my laundry away as soon as it's clean.

I have some serious organizing and cleaning to do.

I need to work on my decorating.

Speaking of decorating, for a long time I've been wanting to do some sort of photo wall. I absolutely love this one:

found here.

It's awesome, but first of all I don't have photos that I like enough to do this with, and also, I don't have the money to be able to print and hang them. Maybe one of these days... Until then, I bought a bunch of frames from IKEA - I still have the same problem of not having photos that I like enough to put in them though. Devin told me that I couldn't hang the frames until I have photos to put in them so until then they will sit on our side table.

I have been thinking a lot about things that I could be better at and climbing to the top of my list is cleaning. I hate to clean. When I get home from work it's pretty much the last thing that I want to do. And my apartment looks that way. So my goal over the next week or two is to do a deep clean of my apartment and to get everything organized. We'll see how things go. :)


Renae said...

Tell Devin that frames by themselves can be art. I've seen that done a number of times in magazines. I think that Leslie even has done it at her house.

You might be more motivated to put pics in them if the frames are already up (and if they bug Devin while empty)

Good luck! I'm going to do some serious cleaning once my kids head back to school. What they don't see they won't miss.

Nate and Ash said...

Hey, this is Ashlee FIncher, Nathan's wife. I have a question for yah. How do you get the blog header to look like that??? I can't find out how to do it anywhere.
Cute blog by the way!! Cleaning and organizing aren't fun to do when doing it, but I always feel better after it's done. Good luck!! Oh, my email is if you have any suggestions about the blog. Thanks!!

Annette said...

Hang your frames! I had empty frames on my wall for a long time. Until you get the money to print the photos you like - or until you find photos you like - you could always put scrapbook paper in them to add color and texture to your wall. I love that photo wall by the way! Those square photos are $$ though!

Good luck with the organizing! I hate laundry.

mom said...

I like the photo wall too. But I also like the idea of interesting papers. I'd be happy to help with curtains or anything else you might decide to do.

Kim Gishi said...

Oh My Heck. I'm TOTALLY stealing that ides - I love it. Here's some hints for cleaning - have an area you can just throw stuff that keeps the rest of the room clean and then when your pile gets too big, then clean it up. Also, if Devin leaves his shoes around, throw them at his head. That'll teach him. Seriously, though, the best thing that's worked for us is we spit the chores and then I only worry about my chores and do them when I have time or want to and Bryan does his stuff when he has time or wants to. Then it doesn't seem like so much to do.

Kim Gishi said...

PS. I don't know if you're looking for just interesting pictures or if you're going to do sentimental stuff, but if you are just looking for interesting photography, msn does a Week in Pictures and there's pictures from all over the world. They list the photographer under the picture and if you google a photographer you like, they usually have a website with similar stuff. Just fyi

Renae said...

Hey, you could also try fabric in your frames too, if you can't find scrapbook papers you like.

Leslie said...

That is a great photo wall. And your new blog look is awesome! Good luck with the cleaning. My house goes to pot when I'm pregnant so I feel your pain.

The Frederick Family said...

that wall art is AWESOME!

and i want to decorate too...

ps, your blog is AWESOME. i want to steal it.

Annette said...

I like how Kimmy said "the best thing that's worked for us is we spit the chores..." I spit my chores all the time!

I'm trying to find an empty wall to do the scrapbook paper/fabric in frames. I want some more color!

Nancy said...

Youve got some awesome and fun posts. i too like the format you are using right now on your blog. I have some projects in mind for my house, so maybe we should start having a project night every few weeks!!

Tricia said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I love your new blog look. I think both you and Annette are going to have teach me some of the tricks of the trade. I'm getting tired of our look. I have some frames with scrapbook paper in our office that I just keep switching out. It's an easy an inexpensive way to fill frames until you find something you really love. That photo wall is AWESOME though!

Anonymous said...

so how did things go? I either hate to clean and put it off forever or I love it and have to have everything in order. I love that idea. so cute

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