Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Birthday

So this last week I celebrated my 22nd birthday. We started out celebrating with my family last weekend. We ate some delicious food and then Nancy made me a great cake! This isn't the one she made but its the same cake...

Recipe found here. Holy cow was it delicious and so rich and yummy!

Devin and I celebrated on my actual birthday by doing the whole "Free Birthday Meal" at Tucano's thing and then going to see Where the Wild Things Are.

It was a great birthday this year and I just wanted to say "thanks" to everyone for the birthday wishes and presents. It means a lot!

And just look at these beautiful flowers! (The ones on the left are from Devin and the ones on the right are from Devin's parents. Thanks!)


Annette said...

I am definitely making that cake for myself next week. Yum. What did you think of the movie? I am tired of all the commercials for it but I love the book.

Since I'm always late sending birthday cards/presents I was thinking about just sending them at random, non-birthday times during the year. That way you'd get a little suprise at some totally unexpected time. Or maybe I'm just really lame and need to get my act together. Probably that one.

I'm glad you had a good day you young 'un. I can't even remember 22.

Nancy said...

22. Ahhh how I miss those glory days. I wasnt yet married then. Thats weird to think about. Im glad you had fun and those are pretty flowers.

Leslie said...

that cake looks like heaven!

Cori said...

Happy late birthday! I hope it was a goo one!

Cori said...

it was supposed to say "good" NOT "goo"! crazy typing fingers!!!

Ras Fam said...

Happy Birthday! That cake looks delicious, glad you had fun.

Tricia said...

That cake was so yummy! I'm glad you had a good bday and I'm glad we got to celebrate with you! I say enjoy every minute of being "young"!! ;)