Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm not so good in the whole blogging department lately...

I feel like all of my posts the last little while have been catch up posts. I haven't been very good posting lately and Devin keeps telling me I need to so I am going to take the opportunity while he is sleeping on the couch to post what we've been up to. Here, in a nutshell, is what we've been up to lately:

-Celebrated some super fun holidays (ie Valentine's, St. Patty's Day and Devin's b-day - he's now 26. Crazy!)

-Went and saw the Broadway show of Mary Poppins with Devin's parents in CO. What a great show. Check out this video. Awesome! (I know the video is long so you have to at least watch towards the end as they spell it out - I think that Bert is the same one we saw perform.)

-Devin's started his garden. He started everything from seeds and has already planted his broccoli and peas outside. These pictures were taken awhile ago so his plants are a lot bigger now. I can't wait for summer produce!

-Had our first bbq of the season and played our first croquet game. I don't know that I'll ever get better at that game... :)

-Met our cute new little nephew Briggan and played with all the other nieces and nephew.

-And my favorite thing that's happened lately...

Like his Adam Lambert picture? NASTY!

But check out my good-lookin' husband now. I LOVE IT - and him of course. :)

Well that's the latest news for us. Here are some of things we hope to accomplish in the near future:

-Get in a regular running or just working out routine.

-Redesign the blog - I'm just getting bored with it.

-Rearrange, decorate, and get a few new pieces of furniture for our apartment.

-Enjoy the warm weather!!!

That's it for now. We hope you are all doing well!


Annette said...

Devin looks much better with short hair and yes, you need to blog more often!

Megan Maree Walker Boehm said...

Yeahhh you blogged!! Please keep doing it ;) LOVEEE Dev's new haircut, I love it when its that short!(his blue eyes just pop)! Love you guys and cant wait to see you this summer hopefully!

Renae said...

Love the shorter hair--I always have--and just about every boy/man. I'm about ready to give my boys the "summer" cut with the hopes that I don't have to torture them as much in the coming months.

Jay and Krista said...

Looks like you guys have been having some fun!! I'm excited to see more pictures of the garden! And LOVE the haircut!

mom said...

I haven't seen Devin's hair yet but the picture looks great. He now looks like a mature married man. Ist was long overdue.

Tricia said...

I second everyone else on the hair! His garden looks awesome and I hoep he gets lots of food from it this year! It was funny reading your blog. So many of the things you hope to accomplish are on my list as well!! Want to redesign my blog too? I've been bored with it for a long time but have been to lazy to do anything about it. Hope you guys are doing good! We miss you!!!!

Megan said...

Deven has A great hair is your hair...not your hair cut!