Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Garden Continues to Grow...

Devin's garden is growing so well. It's so fun to watch him get excited about it and to see how well he takes care of it. I can't believe how much it has grown! Here are some pictures of what he's got so far. His peas finally started to blossom and to grow.

Here's the Zucchini.
And the tomato!! This one was finally ripe enough to eat! I told Devin that he had to eat it and enjoy all of his hard work!

And the spaghetti squash!

The garden has even grown so much since Devin took these pictures. Hopefully it will all still grow well and hopefully Devin will be able to eat all of his yummy vegetables! Of course he does such a good job taking care of it that I am sure he won't have any problems!


mom said...

Those are pretty nice vegetable pictures. I love his garden. I thought my garden looked pretty good and then I saw Gayle's. Her garden has mine beat. So I threw on some more fertilizer and watered a little extra. We'll see what happens.

Annette said...

Lookin' good!

Emily said...

Wow! I'm impressed! Just think what Devin will do when you have a piece of ground for a garden--I can imagine he'll have the nicest and prettiest one in the neighborhood.

And KayLynne-I have all the chicken manure you could ever want for garden fertilizer! :)

Megan Maree Walker Boehm said...

I went over to grandma and grandpas this weekend to give grandma a perm and she told me that you called them to tell them about your tomatoes. VERY IMPRESSIVE cousin! LOVES!!

Angie&Blake said...

You guys are so cute!!! Sounds like with how good he takes care of his garden he will be a great dad too ;) Yeah i have done most of it myself mindy and meagan help now and then with some lame ? I have but im glad i got a blog :D

Nancy said...

Cool pictures. I think food is the funnest thing to photograph, after cute babes. I hope it tastes good

Nancy said...

cute new blog look too, by the way!

Cori said...

I love your new template. How did you do it?

Tricia said...

So today is my day to catch up on everyone's blogs and I must say that you got some DANG CUTE PICS!! I think I might have to take mom's philosophy and just get you all to send me copies instead of taking my own lame ones... :) And tell Devin he is doing a great job on his garden! I can't wait to see what he does when you actually have a yard to grow it in either!

Tricia said...

By the way, I LOVE the new look of your blog! Your header is awesome! What did you use to make it? I have recruited Nancy to make one for me... :)