While we were in Pennsylvania we also got to go to Valley Forge and Philadelphia. We went to Valley Forge Sunday afternoon. We got there fairly late in the afternoon, so we just drove around and looked at all of the different things (all of the tours were closed). This is the cool archway memorial that they have dedicated to all of the soldiers and people who fought.This is the underside of the archway. I thought that this was way cool!
Everyone posing outside of George Washington's stable.
Josh got passed around to everyone. Mom, Kara and the Gardners haven't seen him in a while (or ever) and they enjoyed holding him and playing with him.
This is George Washington's headquarters. All of the stonework is original. Pretty cool!
We drove into Philadelphia one day to go visit Independence Hall and see the Liberty Bell. It was pretty cool to be able to walk through the building and see the rooms where they signed the Declaration of Independence. It was awesome to see where our country was established and where so many men fought over the things that most of us take for granted today.Everyone waiting outside of Independence Hall so that we could go look around some more.
Kara and Jenna looking at the map.
Brinley found these trees that she wanted to climb. Then Megan wanted to join in the fun.
The Liberty Bell.
Eating lunch before we went to take our tour of Independence Hall.
It was another fun day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Valley Forge and Philadelphia
Posted by Lianne at 6/18/2008 04:50:00 PM
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What's up with Megan in the one second from the end?! Scary! You guys could always come back here you know and we could hit the outlets, take the Valley Forge tour, eat more junk that makes me gain 5 pounds in one week, play more Guitar Hero....!!
That would be way fun!! I would love to come back and visit again!! We'll have to see if we can work something out...
Cute pictures it looks like you guys had a lot of fun and saw a ton of sights. But, you know what I really want to know is....when are you making that carmel popcorn again? or teach me how to make it? or give me the recipe? I am HOOKED! I was walking through the drug mart and I saw a bag of that popped corn stuff(because its not popcorn) and I was like when are the sister coming home.
Lianne! I must say that I am SO JEALOUS!!! I have always wanted to go to Pennsylvania! I think it is way cool that you got to play with your family! Your nieces are dang cute! Well, that's all! Love ya!
Your blog is always so freakin cute! I'm jealous you went on a trip. I need a vacation from my vacation. ha ha. But i'm glad your back! i only have about 2 1/2 weeks until i leave for florida and then utah. Yay! Will you and Devin take care of todd? Just the usual, Like hang out with him, tell him he's special, snuggle with him? Maybe Devin can give him a little kiss before bed. ha ha. Okay, bad visual! I'll see ya later. :)
Great pictures! I'm so glad you had such an awesome time with your family. I just wish you handed the camera to someone else for a second every-once-in-a-while so we could see cute pictures of you too!! I know Devin was lonely when you were gone, so I'm glad you are back safe!
I need a copy of all of your pictures now so I can have a record of our fun time. It was so great to be with you all. When I came home the house was very lonely and I am not looking forward to three more weeks till dad comes home. I am so glad Tricia will be here to keep me company.
It looks like you totally enjoyed your trip and family! I am glad you are having such a great time out there!
what a fun place. Looks like you guys had a great time.
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