Friday, July 18, 2008

So Devin hasn't been feeling very well the last few days. He came home last night with a really bad headache, and he didn't want to do anything. So we went to bed around midnight last night (which is probably the earliest we've been to bed this summer). He decided to stay home today and sleep and see if he can get feeling better. So it is now shortly after 3 and he is still asleep! I hope that this will be a good break for him and that he will feel better and have more energy and a new motivation to go out and work. I just hope that it doesn't last very long...


Annette said...

Maybe he should come stay at our sick house...

Kizzy said...

I hope it doesn't last long either. I've been getting headaches a lot lately and it really is not fun. Get feeling better soon Devin!

mom said...

The headaches are probably because of the heat and not drinking enough. So get drinking--the right stuff of course. Hope Devin feels better soon. I think the guys can sure milk it for all it is worth. We on the other hand, have to still function and take care of things in the home.