Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend! It started out on Saturday going up to Woods Cross for Devin's family Easter party. Sorry, I forgot to take my camera, so I don't have any pictures from that. We had some great food, watched the kids do an Easter egg hunt, and we wrote letters to missionaries. They are such a great family and a lot of fun to be around!

Then on Sunday, we went over to my parents house for another Easter party. We got in a few games of croquet before the party started and after it was over. What a beautiful day it was!

After croquet, we had a great meal and then had a very nice family home evening. We read scriptures about the Resurrection of Christ and had different items to go along with each scripture.

After we were done with the spiritual stuff, we played some sculptionary. It started out as scuptionary mixed with charades until we decided it would be a lot harder if you couldn't do any actions. We all got beat pretty bad by Nancy, John, Kara and Ryan - we think they cheated... Aren't those the faces of cheaters? ;)

And the losing teams.

A few action shots. Some of the sculpting was pretty bad... Myself included.

Up next on the agenda was name that Jelly Belly. Nancy bought a bunch of Jelly Belly's with flavors ranging from Pomegranate to Roasted Marshmallow. We passed them around in cups and had to write down the number on the cup and what flavor we thought it was. Good thing she didn't do Berty Bott's flavors!

Everyone showing their guesses. I am proud to say that Gordon and I tied getting 11 out of 12 right!

Here are just a few more random pictures from the day.

This was the look on Tyler's face for about the first 45 minutes to an hour that they were there. He cracks me up!

We thought this was a cute one of Grandpa and Tyler. We kept trying to get Tyler's attention to look at the camera and every time he did, Grandpa would look down at Tyler. It was kinda trickey to get them looking at the camera at the same time. Tyler was definitely grandpa's friend that day though!

After the party was over, those who had babies had to take them home, but the rest of us stayed around and played some Mormon Bridge. Good times! Happy Easter to everyone!!


Emily said...

Looks like lots of fun, and lots of cute babies!

Nancy said...

Those are fun pictures. Im sad that we had to leave so early. I miss playing games after the kids are down. hope those days come back soon!!

mom said...

It was just Sunday when the weather was so nice and we got to be outside. Monday I even got some sun on my arms working in the yard. And then there is today--ha! ha!

Matt and Mindi said...

Looks like fun! Your games looked like fun too.. I'm always looking for fun new games and I haven't heard of any of those lol. So do share sometime ;)

Annette said...

Somehow I missed this post! Thanks for all the pictures. I wish all of you would post more!!