Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What is the deal with this cold weather? Where did summer go? How is it already October? All I want to do is snuggle up and watch a movie.

On a side note... If you want to watch something funny check out this video here. Too funny!


Matt and Mindi said...

That clip of single ladies made me laugh so hard! I wasn't expecting it at all. I thought the joke was the masks and it totally caught me by surprise. Love those. I added it to my blog too. Thanks!

Kim Gishi said...

That was pretty funny. I thought it was just going to be random girls dancing with masks - but it so wasn't. :)

Nancy said...

It was cold today, but I liked it! We pulled out the fall decorations and ate a meat pizza. Soon Ill get to making soup!

Emily said...

I love cold and rainy days if I don't have to go out in it! The changing seasons are the best!

Annette said...

It's been cold here, too. I love October though.

Hannah White said...

Nice video, I almost wet myself!